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The Democrats need to wake up! Update: And near the last second, THEY HAVE (1 Viewer)

February 20, 2020 - Swing State (Wis., Mich and Penn) Poll from Quinnipiac University

Spoiler: Trump leads in head to head matchups against the top Democratic candidates in Wisconsin, but loses or trails within the margin of error in Pennsylvania matchups, and is locked in close races in Michigan. This is the first swing state poll of the 2020 presidential election cycle from the Quinnipiac University Poll that includes separate polls conducted simultaneously in key swing states. The poll was conducted from February 12th - 18th, prior to the February 19th Democratic primary debate.
WI staying red while PA and MI goes blue is essential in making a situation in which NEITHER candidate gets 270 a reality.

WI staying red while PA and MI goes blue is essential in making a situation in which NEITHER candidate gets 270 a reality.
Yeah, if that happens and Dems manage to flip that one gettable congressional district in Nebraska without anything else changing, it's 269-269.  Based on the way politics have gone lately it seems like that's our destiny.

I think its probably a mistake for Sanders to have proudly adopted the "Democratic Socialist" label.  Too many people focus on semantics and are unable to scratch even a millimeter beneath the surface.  Constant hammering of the word "socialism" will play big with the uneducated white demographic that Trump has ridden the past 4 years.

wtf happens in that scenario?
It goes to the House of Representatives and each state gets one vote.  

If THAT vote ends up tied 25-25 (or I guess 24-24 with two states opting out due to a split delegation), then the Vice-President Elect gets to serve.  So in theory the process could end up with President Pence.  

I agree with you, but typically a candidate cant win elections by promising that his ideas will be rejected. 
agreed.....a vote for Sanders from me will be one of morality more than anything he's promising.  I am not a fan of M4A because I don't think a massive jump like that is smart.  I'm not a fan of complete loan forgiveness either.  There needs to be some accountability on those deciding to take action.  I don't see a big deal in offering 17 years of education instead of 13 for those who want it.  That one really shuke's me because the line seems to be so arbitrary and random.  

All that said, I have no question he'll be fighting for what' he believes is right for the individuals as President and that's a HUGE step up from our current situation.  I also believe he respects the Constitution and the institutions of government it created...again a HUGE step up.  I could disagree across the board with him on every single policy position and would be happy voting for him if I got just those two things back in a President.

It goes to the House of Representatives and each state gets one vote.  

If THAT vote ends up tied 25-25 (or I guess 24-24 with two states opting out due to a split delegation), then the Vice-President Elect gets to serve.  So in theory the process could end up with President Pence.  
Here's a question I don't know the answer to -- paging @Yankee23Fan!!

Assume that the electoral college is tied.  The state delegations in the House are also tied.  And the Senate is 50-50 so they can't even pick a Vice President-Elect.  What happens then?

I think its probably a mistake for Sanders to have proudly adopted the "Democratic Socialist" label.  Too many people focus on semantics and are unable to scratch even a millimeter beneath the surface.  Constant hammering of the word "socialism" will play big with the uneducated white demographic that Trump has ridden the past 4 years.
I dont think his mistake was adopting it. I think he knew exactly what he was doing. 

If he wants to win he will have to forcefully declare that he does not favor social ownership of the economy. 

His die hard supporters wont leave him. They are entrenched. He needed them to get where he is, but he will need more to win the general. 

Making it mandatory for large companies to give ownership incrementally to employees though shows he would probably be lying if he tried to say that he didnt favor social ownership.

And say what you want about bernie, but i think he is a pretty honest dude.

Here's a question I don't know the answer to -- paging @Yankee23Fan!!

Assume that the electoral college is tied.  The state delegations in the House are also tied.  And the Senate is 50-50 so they can't even pick a Vice President-Elect.  What happens then?
Holy crap, according to this article:

If the Senate also deadlocks—the unlikeliest of unlikely scenarios—then the presidency would go to the next person in line, the Speaker of the House,
If at the end of all this we get President Nancy Pelosi it would be insanity.

I think its probably a mistake for Sanders to have proudly adopted the "Democratic Socialist" label.  Too many people focus on semantics and are unable to scratch even a millimeter beneath the surface.  Constant hammering of the word "socialism" will play big with the uneducated white demographic that Trump has ridden the past 4 years.
I'm white, educated, not a Trump voter/supporter, and more or less interpret "democratic socialism" as drastically increased governmental influence over the economy, which I find abhorrent. I want freer markets that make it easier for the regular guy to compete. There are a lot of us out there.

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Constant hammering of the word "socialism" will play big with the uneducated white demographic that Trump has ridden the past 4 years.
Or those who think Bernie Isn't a Socialist.  They've already been fooled.  That plays well with the ignorant.

After decades of proclaiming he's a socialist, suddenly he's not and you guys believe that?   Really?  Because he put the word "Democratic" in front of it?  Who really are the uneducated ones?

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Are those who think Bernie Isn't a Socialist.  They've already been fooled.  That plays well with the ignorant.
He's very much a socialist. In fact, he compared his views with Denmark's which got this rebuke: "Denmark's prime minister even came to America to refute Sanders' claims, pointing out that "Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy."

He's a socialist who would have us spending 70 percent of GDP. Jeremy Corbyn only proposed 44 percent from the Labor Party in Britain.

It's just...ridiculous. 

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It's worse. Much worse. Dems should have kicked Bernie out of the party. I think any of the current candidates, but him, beats Trump. 
The progressive wing of the party has grown far too large for anybody but Bernie to win. The large majority of progressives are dug in heel deep on Bernie. Bernie or bust types. The establishment candidates need a decent portion of the progressive support to beat Trump and that isn't going to happen for any of them (except potentially for Liz).

It goes to the House of Representatives and each state gets one vote.  

If THAT vote ends up tied 25-25 (or I guess 24-24 with two states opting out due to a split delegation), then the Vice-President Elect gets to serve.  So in theory the process could end up with President Pence.  

Agreed.  I am about as far from being a fan of hers as can be.  But she curb-stomped Bloomberg.  Repeatedly.   
Yeah.....she did. It was hardly a debate. It was a public lynching. They debated nothing. It was all bashing, screaming and a full on #### show. 

She is one pissed off woman. Thank god she will never be Commander and Chief. God help us if she was. 

IMO the debate last night sealed the fate of the Democratic party. Trump won the election......last night.

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All she did was parrot a talking point laid out here and everywhere else for more than the last week.  Frankly she missed several opportunities.
Ever hear Norm MacDonald? Sometimes he'll begin to tell a joke and ask if the listener has ever heard the one about...he then says, "Wait 'til I do it."

It can be about timing and delivery as much as anything, and she shredded.

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All she did was parrot a talking point laid out here and everywhere else for more than the last week.  Frankly she missed several opportunities.
Fair, but I bet that the vast majority of casual viewers are not nearly as up to snuff on all the controversies/sub-plots surrounding each candidate as the good folks on the PSF.  And she was way more tenacious than I'd expect in a debate.  And for all the people laying this out for the last week, he sure acted and responded like he had no ####### idea this was coming.  I stand by my assessment.  

Ever hear Norm MacDonald? Sometimes he'll begin to tell a joke and ask if the listener has ever heard the one about...he then says, "Wait 'til I do it."

It can be about timing and delivery as much as anything, and she shredded.
She let him off the mat.  He stated they signed them and we will just have to live with them, as if he was a reluctant participant, not the proposer, the mover, the party with all the power in a very unequal power relationship.  She should have asked him well who proposed each and every one, you or those women.  She should have asked who was prohibited from disclosing, he or those women?  She should have asked would he pursue court action to enforce those agreements now if one of the parties intended to violate it. 

On taxes, when he went on about his returns being thousand of pages and taking forever to prepare so he could not release his return she should have commented that surely at least his past years returns are done and capable of release, if, you know, he wasn't full of #### and just spinning what he thought was a probably excuse for cover, but what is now, in the light of reason, clear horse####.

Fair, but I bet that the vast majority of casual viewers are not nearly as up to snuff on all the controversies/sub-plots surrounding each candidate as the good folks on the PSF.  And she was way more tenacious than I'd expect in a debate.  And for all the people laying this out for the last week, he sure acted and responded like he had no ####### idea this was coming.  I stand by my assessment.  
As is your right.  No reason we should have to view this or anything identically.  Just nice to share with folks, that's why I do it.  It keeps me amused.  BTW, I am a big fan of your work here.

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She let him off the mat.  He stated they signed them and we will just have to live with them, as if he was a reluctant participant, not the proposer, the mover, the party with all the power in a very unequal power relationship.  She should have asked him well who proposed each and every one, you or those women.  She should have asked who was prohibited from disclosing, he or those women?  She should have asked would he pursue court action to enforce those agreements now if one of the parties intended to violate it.
This is strictly my opinion, but you might be looking at it from a former prosecutor's perspective, covering all bases, going in for the kill shot. I thought she was more than effective without being heavy-handed. 

All she did was parrot a talking point laid out here and everywhere else for more than the last week.  Frankly she missed several opportunities.
While this is true, I believe it exposes how horrible a candidate Bloomberg is if he couldn't anticipate the onslaught and have a better response prepared.

Trump can win without he popular vote.  I don't think the Dems can.
They really need to revisit all those Midwestern swing states they lost last time and figure out how to win them.  We already know which coast states they will win and which southern states they won't. 

This is strictly my opinion, but you might be looking at it from a former prosecutor's perspective, covering all bases, going in for the kill shot. I thought she was more than effective without being heavy-handed. 
Well nobody who reads this forum regularly would accuse me of being as astute a political observer as are you.  I follow along only casually.  You clearly think about these matters in depth and have a clear and consistent philosophy, colored by your reading of history.  I just hang out for all the train wrecks.  sort of ghoulishly, actually.

Well nobody who reads this forum regularly would accuse me of being as astute a political observer as are you.  I follow along only casually.  You clearly think about these matters in depth and have a clear and consistent philosophy, colored by your reading of history.  I just hang out for all the train wrecks.  sort of ghoulishly, actually.
Aw, man, don't sell yourself short. Yours would have been such an effective line of questioning, which is seemingly nothing given your obvious intelligence and competence.

Come on...a giant wall that the people whom it affects most directly are going to gladly pay for....locking up your political rival the minute you have the power...., buying Greenland, Space Force?...….  Seems like there's been a few "crazy" ideas that got results. 
None of us actually believed any of that ya see. We voted for Trump because he was the best option. He was really the only option. But 'hey everybody, vote for me and I'll give you free stuff' just isn't gonna work. Everyone knows that's impossible. That's why the D's lose. They have no plan whatsoever.

None of us actually believed any of that ya see. We voted for Trump because he was the best option. He was really the only option. But 'hey everybody, vote for me and I'll give you free stuff' just isn't gonna work. Everyone knows that's impossible. That's why the D's lose. They have no plan whatsoever.
This doesn't seem very logically consistent.  Maybe people will vote for Bernie because they think he's the best option, even if they don't believe many of his promises will come to fruition.  

Holy crap, according to this article:

If at the end of all this we get President Nancy Pelosi it would be insanity.
Hey, as long as we're spinning out crazy scenarios ...

It would be the Speaker of the House for the next Congress, not the current one. Maybe Dems see what's coming and decide that, while Pelosi is fine as a Speaker, they don't necessarily want her to be president. At that point, they could decide to vote on a new Speaker. 

But here's the thing: There are no requirements that the Speaker has to actually be a member of the House of Representatives. So the Dems could literally choose anyone. (My guess, if it actually came to this, is that they would simply go with whoever their presidential nominee was.) 

It goes to the House of Representatives and each state gets one vote.  

If THAT vote ends up tied 25-25 (or I guess 24-24 with two states opting out due to a split delegation), then the Vice-President Elect gets to serve.  So in theory the process could end up with President Pence.  
I'm too lazy to look up the math right now, but I'm fairly certain in that scenario GOP has an advantage and, as long as partisan lines held, they would get to pick the new president. Too many low-population states out west like WY and MT with a single GOP representative, plus purplish states like PA, NC and WI that have been gerrymandered to ensure a majority-GOP delegation. Dems would have the Northeast and a few states on the west coast, but not much else.


I'm too lazy to look up the math right now, but I'm fairly certain in that scenario GOP has an advantage and, as long as partisan lines held, they would get to pick the new president. Too many low-population states out west like WY and MT with a single GOP representative, plus purplish states like PA, NC and WI that have been gerrymandered to ensure a majority-GOP delegation. Dems would have the Northeast and a few states on the west coast, but not much else.

Interesting. Based on a quick scan, GOP has 26 states, but a couple are close and could conceivably be flipped in the next election. So I guess what I'm saying is :shrug:
I have them at 25 with 2 states each, either tied (PA, IA), or within a delegate of flipping either way.  A lot would depend on which districts flip their rep.  Way too difficult to try and predict a tie-breaker at this point but it does appear that the GOP has an advantage at this point.

I have them at 25 with 2 states each, either tied (PA, IA), or within a delegate of flipping either way.  A lot would depend on which districts flip their rep.  Way too difficult to try and predict a tie-breaker at this point but it does appear that the GOP has an advantage at this point.
You'd also need a better than 2018 House election for the D's.  The 2018 cycle was very good for the blue team by any metric.  It's hard to see them doing better than that down ballot and not winning the electoral college.

Here's a question I don't know the answer to -- paging @Yankee23Fan!!

Assume that the electoral college is tied.  The state delegations in the House are also tied.  And the Senate is 50-50 so they can't even pick a Vice President-Elect.  What happens then?
There is a line of succession somewhere that answers that but I don't know off the top of my head.

After watching the debates last night we just handed Trump another 4 years.  In an election year that I thought could not be blown has been blown.


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