waste of daylight- mastersystem... so sad, so good.
but why- canshaker pi.. dutch bizarro rock. big fan.
plus one- pan amsterdam ... low-key ironic spoken-word/jazzy/hip-hop/trumpeting. video is grabber
space gun- guided by voices... its gbv, doing what they/he do. yet another solid album.
clover- lion limb... I'm a big fan of songs that hook onto a minimal groove/hook and run with it- this one does that in spades, and with strings.
dry heat/nice town- cheekface... might be little too self-aware cheeky and derivative, but the lyrics and chorus on this one win me over
doing the right thing- david byrne... this was a decent and current effort by byrne, with a couple of really good tracks.
berlin- GRMLN... I don't know if I can trust spotify, but they put out 4(?!) full albums out this year. all quality.
eureka- the hold steady... like gbv, this sounds like classic ths. thought they'd have a full album out this year.
big wilma- warmduscher... I really liked this album and band- came very close to making the list both times. hard to categorize.
balfron- JOHN (TIMESTWO)... tickles my loud growly garage guitar itch. and makes me want to cleaer my throat.
riddles- ed schraeder's music beat... another that almost shoulda coulda been on the final list. good, pop with a righteous crescendo.