Sounds about right. Going into yesterday I would have set Atlanta odds at 60%, Indy at 65%, Baltimore at 80%, Philly at 65%. I probably should have done the math before I made the pick, but it seemed to point to a Yes vote.(edit: at those odds, YES is 61%.)(edit: lower Baltimore to 70% and the other road teams to 60% and you still have YES at 52%)I'd be interested to know what people saw in this one at approximately even point yields? at 50/50 splits across the board it only occurs 5/16. Tommorows away teams have ~3 point line spreads in their favor, missed what todays were. but for the even yield the away teams would need in general a 11:5 likely hood of winning (68% chance)? I almost feel stupid typing this because it seems so out of whack, but its late so forgive if my math is crazy talk.This question has already been answered..."Will at least three games in the wildcard round be won by the visiting teams?"The correct answer was "No". Both home teams won today.If you answered "No", you earned 330.36 .... like I did.![]()
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