Yo Mama
Beastie Boys #8 - Jimmy James
Album - Check Your Head (1992)
Ad-Rock: 0, MCA: 0, Mike D: 1, Beastie Boys: 0, Greater NYC: 0
Name Rockin'
The Blacks, Puerto Ricans, and the White people too
Rhyme Squawkin'
Yeah people how you doing? There's a new day dawnin'
For the Earth mother, it's a brand new mornin
For such a long while, there's been such a longin'
But now the sun is shinin', let's roll back the awnin'
Yo Mama Talkin'
I was worried after the new (at the time) IP/sampling laws that the Beaste Boys would have a hard time living up to their previous greatness. But once I heard this first track, I knew I was in for a kick-butt album. There was some sampling but they needed to get approvals first this time (including from the Jimi Hendrix family since the song was meant as a tribute him and used a couple of his songs). It of course also has a portion from our MAD friends Cheap Trick to kick things off.
Album - Check Your Head (1992)
Ad-Rock: 0, MCA: 0, Mike D: 1, Beastie Boys: 0, Greater NYC: 0
Name Rockin'
The Blacks, Puerto Ricans, and the White people too
Rhyme Squawkin'
Yeah people how you doing? There's a new day dawnin'
For the Earth mother, it's a brand new mornin
For such a long while, there's been such a longin'
But now the sun is shinin', let's roll back the awnin'
Yo Mama Talkin'
I was worried after the new (at the time) IP/sampling laws that the Beaste Boys would have a hard time living up to their previous greatness. But once I heard this first track, I knew I was in for a kick-butt album. There was some sampling but they needed to get approvals first this time (including from the Jimi Hendrix family since the song was meant as a tribute him and used a couple of his songs). It of course also has a portion from our MAD friends Cheap Trick to kick things off.