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Middle Aged Dummies!! Artists #1's have been posted!! (3 Viewers)

Love the melody and the swirling guitars on Trail of Dead's The Doomsday Book. They certainly could still produce great songs after I stopped paying attention to them.
Mainstream Kid - Brandi Carlile: This one hit different from the others we've heard. I liked it. I hadn't really gotten into this artist yet, but I found this one interesting.

Tiny Cities Made of Ashes - Modest Mouse: This song made me feel like I was high even though I am not.
OR - maybe you were so high that you forgot that you were high and the song reminded you that you were, in fact, high. :oldunsure:
Love the melody and the swirling guitars on Trail of Dead's The Doomsday Book. They certainly could still produce great songs after I stopped paying attention to them.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting a Foo Fighters vibe on The Doomsday Book? AYWKUBTTDOD sounds great here.

Heart of Gold makes me sad that I didn't dig deeper beyond Come Dancing in 1983. :(

I've liked everything I've heard from Sigur Rós. Love how Gong builds so sweetly. The lyrics get me a little wistful every time. Makes me thankful I took Hopelandic in high school instead of Spanish or French.
I forgot The Kinks also share a song title with Neil Young.
Great tune as well.

On a semi-related note, does anyone remember 1984 when both Bruce Springsteen and Peter Wolf released singles entitled Dancing in the Dark? Same title; same year. (Unfortunately Wolf's DitD isn't on Spotify.)
Modest Mouse really has quite the diverse catalog - I’ve mostly only listened to one album by them but have enjoyed most of the songs here so far.
This one kind of reminded me of Faith No More for some reason.
I forgot The Kinks also share a song title with Neil Young.
Great tune as well.

On a semi-related note, does anyone remember 1984 when both Bruce Springsteen and Peter Wolf released singles entitled Dancing in the Dark? Same title; same year. (Unfortunately Wolf's DitD isn't on Spotify.)
I don’t . I do remember he had annoying song that went “lights out, uh huh, flash flash flash.”
#25 Crabsody In Blue (Let There Be Rock)

This song is only available on the Australian release of Let The Be Rock so I suspect it hasn’t been heard by many. It’s a goofy tune that once again shows Bon’s sense of humour. It’s not really one of my top 31’s but it is a fun tune with a nice bluesy feel and the aforementioned humorous lyrics. Hopefully someone gets a kick out of it.

Brian Johnson returns on Thursday with a song that surprised me as it found its way on my list of 31.

Album breakdown
0 74 Jailbreak
2 High Voltage
0 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
2 Let There Be Rock
1 PowerAge
0 Highway To Hell
1 Back in Black
1 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)
0 Flick of the Switch
0 Fly On The Wall
0 Who Made Who
0 Blow Up Your Video
0 The Razor’s Edge
0 BallBreaker
0 Stiff Upper Lip
0 Black Ice
0 Rock or Bust
0 Power Up

Since the songs don't get posted until evening, I went ahead and started my catching up with the #26s today. After I post, I'll go back and read the write-ups and comments. Coming into this, I only know ~5-6 of the drafter/artist combos, so mostly I'm doing this first one blind. :)

Given I'm so far behind, my commentary will be sparse until I get caught up.

As is tradition, my new-to-me-favorites playlist is named after the first song I come to on the list that gets a heart. This time, that honor goes to "Mes Filhos, Meu Tesouro" by Jorge Ben Jor. :)

Other songs to make the playlist:

- "Behind the Lines" by Genesis - lookie there, a Genesis song I like!
- "Sunshine" by The Decemberists
- "King for a Day / Shout" by Green Day
- "Blurred Year" by Big Thief - also wins "best album cover" for the day
- "Lucky Now" by Ryan Adams - this is a list I was particularly looking forward to. I know a LOT of Ryan Adams, but he's so prolific that I've also missed a lot along the way. Silver medal for the day.
- "Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder - how did I not know this song?
- "Stars" by Black Francis
- "Low Ceiling" by Alice in Chains - I should know more of their stuff, and this one was a nice surprise.
- "Breakthru" by Queen - Bronze medal for the day.
- "Hong Kong" by Gorillaz - though I hate this "band" for being so difficult to vet and make rulings on in the British Isles countdown, I'm looking forward to hearing more. The coveted gold medal for the day.
- "Carousels" by Doves - I lost track of the Doves ~5 years ago and shouldn't have.
- "Aurora" by Foo Fighters - I'm embarrassed at how few songs I know from one of the world's most popular bands. This one was a good entrypoint into learning more.

Songs I admired/enjoyed even though the style just isn't my thing included "the 1" by Taylor Swift and "Some Chords" by deadmau5.

Special shout-out to "Daniel" by Elton John. It's one of my absolute favorites from him, and I was shocked it scored nary a point in the British Isles countdown.
Great to have you back and posting. Always good to read your comments. (y)
Mostly through the playlist and waiting at the dentist so figured I would give some thoughts
  • Maybe my least favorite round so far (including my artist)
  • My first Chicago song of the exercise that I’ve really liked
  • I liked Buffalo Grass but what is Buffalo grass? I was singing a long and also wondering wtf I was singing about
  • She takes me back to 6th grade, loved Dookie so much. I think that was my 2nd concert and first one I got to take friends too
  • Dino Jr, Alice In Chains and Warren Zevon remain consistent stalwarts for me
I'm digging the Brandi tune too, she gains a point on Big Thief here

These introspective AIC songs will rip your heart out, and I love em

More solid Chicago, looking forward to the full collection of this

Probably my favorite new-to-me Ray Charles song yet.

SRV, appropri8 away good buddy, I cannot turn this **** off. Zep guy, so not one to talk..

I wish Stevie had covered more Beatles, so so good.. it's not too late..

Consistently, Tragically Hip I dig it, and DOVES I double dig it, this will be my take-away

Elliott Smith, sad face but hooks galore

This is a good newish Hold Steady song that isn't about kids at parties

Green Day: CLASSIC DOOKIE. That rhythm section though. What a trio.

Springsteen.. haven't heard this in years but it is still very evocative. Tom Hanks really did knock that out of the park IIRC..
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Randomness list for the #25s. Artists are not so random considering there’s 7 I’ve yet to comment about. But the order still is!

Veracruz - Warren Zevon. Starting flute! I’m familiar with this song. Gripping vocals here, smooth accompaniment, and a good, somewhat remorseful tune.

Exile - Taylor Swift. It takes a minute or so to hear Taylor in this song, but she joins in strongly, before the song turns into a solid duet. I don’t know how much of her music will be in my wheelhouse, but then again, we’re just getting started.

This Time - Chicago. Certainly I know a fair amount of Chicago’s hits (and a few deeper cuts), but that still leaves a lot to be discovered. This Time has a lot of familiar elements while being its own thing. Also very 70s.

Tiny Cities Made of Ashes - Modest Mouse. This one’s a bit funky and spacy, with the paired vocals working for me. The higher volume singing on the chorus is a little disorientating, but I’m sure that’s what’s intended.

Best of You - Foo Fighters. The best, the best, the… #25. More seriously, I really like this song and wouldn’t have minded seeing it higher up. At the same time, I know there’s a lot of great songs yet to come.

Skeleton Man - Frank Black (& the Catholics). Another song with an energetic (dare I say poppy) start, and vibe throughout. Just a good solid rocker that encourages a deeper dive.

Vegas - Big Thief. I’ve made a note of a few other songs by them along the way. Still, I think this is my favorite of theirs so far. Perhaps the band’s just growing on me?

Pretty strong round from my POV. Other artists whose songs I enjoyed today: Dinosaur Jr., Brandi Carlile, The Kinks, Spoon, Elliott Smith
Plus Bruce Springsteen and Rush, of course.

Song: I Want You
Released: 2022
Album: FM
Artist: Ryan Adams

This is one of the newest Adams' songs on my ranking - there is one 2023 song upcoming. This is power pop goodness, and one of the many departures from Adams alt-country roots.

@KarmaPolice mentioned this sounds like a Neil Young song. I can see that in the guitar riffs and the vocals, but find the song too poppy to mistake for a Neil song.
Black Francis, another good one, this guy just might have enough solid solo material to make a legit top 31. I have not paid him much attention, to my discredit.

Oh and last but not least.. DINO JR.. baby Lou and baby J, can you believe these guys were kids once???
Rush is not associated with power ballads -- but does Closer to the Heart count as one of the earliest ones?
I’m one of the rare people that don’t either love or hate Rush - so I’m far from the biggest fan but not a hater - but I can’t see 24 Rush songs that are better than CTTH.
Yeah, I figured some would be surprised at my lower ranking of both CTTH and Spirit of Radio — those 2 simply never did as much for me as their other “standards”.
A few favorite songs I know from list #25...

Ballad of A Well-Known Gun - This songs kicks off my favorite Elton album Tumbleweed Connection. I love the music in this song, as well as the backup singers, the chorus, the lyrics and everything else. It's an Old West song with a groove.
Closer to the Heart - I remember learning the beginning of this on the guitar, and I'd start the record over and over again as I played along. We moved that same year, and my sister was thrilled that she no longer had to share a room with me.
Abacab - This song reminds me of high school years. I like that intro.
King's Crossing - I like the buildup in this song.
Heart of Gold - 👏
Leave My Girl Alone - Slow burn 🚬
She - 🥁 🎸
Charmless Man - Na Na Na Na na na Na Na Na
Ok Yesterday Was Yesterday - :towelwave:
Song For the Asking - 🧘‍♀️
Man In A Suitcase - 🥁
25 Sigur Ros - Gong - Takk - 2006

Another from their third album, Takk. This is the first song on the list sung entirely in Vonlenska/Hopelandic, the "gibberish" language the band sometimes uses. So no lyrics for this one.

I particularly like the drum patterns used in the song. It may be one of the only SR songs where I like the build up more than the crescendo because of this. Also, this is another with high use of falsetto. If that's put you off of previous SR tracks, you may not like this one.
Green Day: CLASSIC DOOKIE. That rhythm section though. What a trio.
Knowing I'd ping pong you all with wildly different sounds throughout the first few rounds I thought this was the right spot for something familiar. While this follows their traditional framework (verse-chorus-verse-chorus-ridge-chorus) they pack a lot into this barely 2 minute track. While the infectious bass and primal scream leading into the bridge are what I remembered most from this song one thing I really appreciated as I spun the whole Green Day catalog preparing for this thing was the Billy Joe/Dirnt harmony through the chorus. This is one of those staples of their music that mid-late career Green Day perfected and this was the most well crafted early signs of what was to come.
I've noticed a lot of the Queen songs selected so far have come from their last two albums, The Miracle and Innuendo. Wondering if @snellman is just more into this period than the classic Queen catalogue or if we're just getting these songs out of the way before getting to the real "meat".

Either way, they're been a nice addition to the mix and as I've said previously, I'm glad some classic rock artists are mixed in with some of the newer acts.
Jorge Ben... what is that instrument?? Are they torturing a Muppet ™??
My dog did look all around frantically while that part was playing.
I thought I was onto something when I found a version "au vivo" on Youtube, but the video clips are cobbled bull**** like the Beatles rooftop videos

Could be like a singing saw type deal for all I know

@Don Quixote will clear things up
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I forgot The Kinks also share a song title with Neil Young.
Great tune as well.

On a semi-related note, does anyone remember 1984 when both Bruce Springsteen and Peter Wolf released singles entitled Dancing in the Dark? Same title; same year. (Unfortunately Wolf's DitD isn't on Spotify.)
I don’t . I do remember he had annoying song that went “lights out, uh huh, flash flash flash.”

That's Dancing in the Dark. Just replace dance where you were hearing flash.
#25 "We Can Work It Out"

If there's one perfect Stevie Wonder song that Stevie didn't do first, it's this one. I could easily see him writing "WCWIO" - the themes are right up his alley and the vocal melody fits him to a tee. Wonder goosed the arrangement a bit, but he kept most of what made the Beatles' original so great and still made it a Stevie Wonder Record.

Hard to beat a John, Paul, George, Ringo, and Stevie (plus a Motown band!) combination.
3 consecutive songs (I'm Going Slightly Mad, Crabsody in Blue and Blackout Sam) from artists I'm fairly knowledgeable about, but either stopped being an entire-album guy (Queen, AC/DC) or just didn't spark immediately with (The Hold Steady). But all three are solid songs. I particularly like the bluesy AC/DC; not something I expect to hear from them.

Charmless Man from Blur is an all time favorite. One of the best songs released in 1995 and one even I didn't miss although it fell into my music void years.
I know the band is a punching bag around these parts. I know I joke around too and haven't said much about them, but I wanted to shout out @higgins on his Rush selections so far. I haven't commented much because it's a band I'm pretty familiar with and know my feelings on. It's mostly positive, it's just Geddy's voice usually stops me from listening to too much in a row, but so far I think you've done a great job with the song selection. Keep reelin' them in before hitting 'em with 2112 or Cygnus-x1. ;)

Since the songs don't get posted until evening, I went ahead and started my catching up with the #26s today. After I post, I'll go back and read the write-ups and comments. Coming into this, I only know ~5-6 of the drafter/artist combos, so mostly I'm doing this first one blind. :)

Given I'm so far behind, my commentary will be sparse until I get caught up.

As is tradition, my new-to-me-favorites playlist is named after the first song I come to on the list that gets a heart. This time, that honor goes to "Mes Filhos, Meu Tesouro" by Jorge Ben Jor. :)

Other songs to make the playlist:

- "Behind the Lines" by Genesis - lookie there, a Genesis song I like!
- "Sunshine" by The Decemberists
- "King for a Day / Shout" by Green Day
- "Blurred Year" by Big Thief - also wins "best album cover" for the day
- "Lucky Now" by Ryan Adams - this is a list I was particularly looking forward to. I know a LOT of Ryan Adams, but he's so prolific that I've also missed a lot along the way. Silver medal for the day.
- "Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder - how did I not know this song?
- "Stars" by Black Francis
- "Low Ceiling" by Alice in Chains - I should know more of their stuff, and this one was a nice surprise.
- "Breakthru" by Queen - Bronze medal for the day.
- "Hong Kong" by Gorillaz - though I hate this "band" for being so difficult to vet and make rulings on in the British Isles countdown, I'm looking forward to hearing more. The coveted gold medal for the day.
- "Carousels" by Doves - I lost track of the Doves ~5 years ago and shouldn't have.
- "Aurora" by Foo Fighters - I'm embarrassed at how few songs I know from one of the world's most popular bands. This one was a good entrypoint into learning more.

Songs I admired/enjoyed even though the style just isn't my thing included "the 1" by Taylor Swift and "Some Chords" by deadmau5.

Special shout-out to "Daniel" by Elton John. It's one of my absolute favorites from him, and I was shocked it scored nary a point in the British Isles countdown.
Great to have you back and posting. Always good to read your comments. (y)

:thanks: Going to try to run through three playlists today so that tomorrow I have a chance of catching up. Until then my commentary will be sparse.
I just randomly threw on Zenyatta Mondatta (for the first time in ages) while pregaming for the Smithereens show. Such a fun album and “Man in a Suitcase” is a highlight.
How was the Smithereens show? Was finally going to get tickets to see them and then Pat died. I keep thinking I'm going to see them when they play at The Birchmere in VA, but can't seem to pull the trigger.
Really liked the 25's Todd and Brandi songs. Neither artist was fully in my wheelhouse but I have enjoyed both a lot.
Chicago remains awesome. Slade and Stevie and Ray too (and Stevie Ray). Taylor has not resonated with me yet but I am looking forward to more.
Spoon has entered into "band I like" territory.
Being that I'm a Pixies fan I'm surprised I never really listened to Black by himself that much, but he's been excellent so far.
Abacab = favorite Genesis.
For ELO, we finally get to a quasi deep cut with Fire on High. It's off of Face the Music, which is like their Rubber Soul in that it marks a turning point. It was the album opener, and it has just about everything in one song - pop, rock, classical, progressive/weird, and even some backwards lyrics.

I'll be traveling for a day or three so I'll be out of pocket a bit.
I just randomly threw on Zenyatta Mondatta (for the first time in ages) while pregaming for the Smithereens show. Such a fun album and “Man in a Suitcase” is a highlight.
How was the Smithereens show? Was finally going to get tickets to see them and then Pat died. I keep thinking I'm going to see them when they play at The Birchmere in VA, but can't seem to pull the trigger.

It was excellent. The venue is 600 person capacity - so it was very cool to see professional musicians doing their thing at basically a bar. Marshall Crenshaw did a great job handling the vocals in place of Pat. Thought it was a curios fit, but he handled it well. The band can really play - loved the drumming in particular.

Jill Peterson from the Bangles and her husband John Cowsill of the Cowsills sang back-up on a bunch of songs. The harmonies on the Beatles "Please Please Me" with Marshall, Jill, John and the guitarist were amazing.
I just randomly threw on Zenyatta Mondatta (for the first time in ages) while pregaming for the Smithereens show. Such a fun album and “Man in a Suitcase” is a highlight.
How was the Smithereens show? Was finally going to get tickets to see them and then Pat died. I keep thinking I'm going to see them when they play at The Birchmere in VA, but can't seem to pull the trigger.

It was excellent. The venue is 600 person capacity - so it was very cool to see professional musicians doing their thing at basically a bar. Marshall Crenshaw did a great job handling the vocals in place of Pat. Thought it was a curios fit, but he handled it well. The band can really play - loved the drumming in particular.

Jill Peterson from the Bangles and her husband John Cowsill of the Cowsills sang back-up on a bunch of songs. The harmonies on the Beatles "Please Please Me" with Marshall, Jill, John and the guitarist were amazing.
Marshall and the band go way back to the 80's, so their familiarity was probably a big plus.

I'm not ashamed to admit I was a Bangles fan (except for Walk Like an Egyptian), so it would have been extra cool to be there.

The Smithereens have such a weird vibe; they have a ton of respect within the musical community (for example, the drummer, Dennis Diken, has toured with Dave Davies), but it never translated into much commercial success.

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