Anyone defending these police officers after that video of the one kicking 'reek need to have their heads examined. I give cops the benefit of the doubt, and they do a great thankless service to our country, but they do have some bad apples in their ranks that get protected by unions. Real police reform starts there, but I digress. This is Scottie Scheffler level bullsh!t and you're not going to convince me otherwise at this point. If Hill had done anything wrong besides speeding (gun, drugs, combativeness, whatever) he would be have been in a jail cell, not playing an NFL football game. That's facts. These cops have nothing on him and some of them should be unemployed on Monday. But they won't be, and there's where the problem is.
Actually, we don't have all the "facts" yet, just some carefully chosen video. I'm willing to change my mind on this when the actual "facts" come out, but some online forum guy isn't going to convince me otherwise because "some cops are dirty". And doesn't the opposite also hold true? That some people are dirty? MOST traffic stops are uneventful and of the ones that aren't, only a very small percentage of those are the result of bad cops.
I would say anyone defending Tyreek with his history probably should have THEIR head examined. How does that sound? You like that?
Again, I'm willing to change my mind when the actual facts and evidence come out, but I give cops the benefit of the doubt knowing what they have to deal with day in and day out.
This has nothing to do with Tyreek's history. Nothing. So why even bring it up?
Carefully chosen video? LMAO. Dude, are you trying to say kicking a handcuffed detainee is OK under any circumstance? Are you saying it was warranted? Or are you saying the video was manipulated?
It's unlikely all the "facts" in this case will ever come out. They never do. Municipalities and police unions ensure it. Charges will dropped and these guys will be back on the beat in days. Look at the Scheffler case. We will never know the whole story, but Scottie is a golden boy that has no dirt on him. Yet he was treated like the scum of the earth and it was all swept under the rug from the public eye. Now imagine if this happened to someone without the means to defend themselves and you might know where I'm going with it. I'm a white male with zero record and I've had an instance where I was worried for my safety during a traffic violation. I was going 12 over the limit on a turn on a highway, yet the cop made me feel extremely uncomfortable even as I afforded him every bit of respect I could. It happens. Get your head out of the sand.
Here's the only fact that really matters to me right now. They did not take Tyreek to jail. That's a fact. Now, why do you think this is? Do you think after all that went down, cuffing 'reek face down on the pavement, kicking him while detained, they went ahead and said, "let's be nice here and let him go now just because?" You don't think they'd have thrown him in lockup if they had any bit of justification?
Or more likely, do you think it was because the guy did nothing wrong past a simple traffic violation, possibly speeding and maybe...maybe being disrespectful? Be real here. You're digging yourself a moral hole you won't be able to climb out of not that you seem to care. This is not the hill to die on.
The cops messed up here and that's pretty clear at this point.