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Get Your Butt Back To The Office (1 Viewer)

I'm quasi-government.  We generally follow Fed rules/guidelines.  Will be interesting to see how Biden's new stance on vaccines impacts my workplace.  (I'm vaccinated, not much impact to me.)

New Mask Guidance from Secretary of Defense to all Military staff: 

- In areas of subtantial/high transmission - everyone wears masks indoors regardless of vax status. 

- Unvaxxed folks must continue to socially distance themselves. 

- Facilities must update signage to reflect new guidance. 

We had an outbreak at a facility in rural TN with two hospitalized team members. 

Our Memphis HQ is now delaying re-opening until at least October. Will re-evaluate then. Will still be a blend of office/home once we return, and our director in ATL has reassured us our team will have flexibility well beyond corporate guidance. 

They just pushed our return to office back to October and require everyone that enters the office be fully vaxxed. Now I regret telling my boss Im vaxxed lol

Company just reinstated a mask mandate (any time you're in an office but not at your desk) and announced that coming is in voluntary until future notice. 

Not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Still not especially scared of covid (I'm young, healthy and vaxd) but if everyone else bails, there isn't much point to me going in. So if I can avoid a nearly 2 hour door to door commute,  I kinda think I need to do it.

My company pushed out a simple 3 question survey that all 15,000 employees are required to take. 

1. Have you been vaccinated? If so upload a copy of your vax card so we can verify and mark you in the system and then delete the card

2. Have not been vax'd?

3. Care no to answer

If you answer yes to 2 or chose 3 then you are treated as not vax'd and are required to wear a mask while on the premises or working in close quarters outside. They also discussed limiting travel for those who are unvax'd or chose not to answer.

Not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Still not especially scared of covid (I'm young, healthy and vaxd) but if everyone else bails, there isn't much point to me going in. So if I can avoid a nearly 2 hour door to door commute,  I kinda think I need to do it.
So I had a really weird moment the other day. I've mentioned previously how my ex-employer forced us to come back into the office in May 2020, for no other reason than they wanted butts in seats. I felt extremely unsafe, and also really horrible because I wasn't able to help with our sons' remote schooling.

So now I'm a new job that just started bringing people back into the office on a hybrid basis (3x/week). I absolutely feel like they're prioritizing our health and safety, and because of my vaccine I'm not nearly as worried about the risks anyway. Meanwhile, my sons are now both in day camp and later this month will start in-person school. All of this makes a huge difference, and at this point I have no real objections to being back in the office.

And yet ...

I was sitting in the office yesterday and looked around. There were other people there that day, but at that moment I couldn't see any of them. Meanwhile I, I had a couple meetings and a one-on-one with my boss that were all done over Zoom. And I found myself thinking, "What exactly is the point of me being here?"

Unlike last year, I'm not mad about it. My commute isn't that awful, and it's not the worst thing in the world to get out of the house and break up my routine. It just feels weird to be coming in for no real reason.

I think my employer is facing a paradox: They want to bring us back in to encourage the kind of in-person interactions we've been missing for the past year. But, particularly with the new constraints imposed by Delta, we still can't really have those interactions.

So I had a really weird moment the other day. I've mentioned previously how my ex-employer forced us to come back into the office in May 2020, for no other reason than they wanted butts in seats. I felt extremely unsafe, and also really horrible because I wasn't able to help with our sons' remote schooling.

So now I'm a new job that just started bringing people back into the office on a hybrid basis (3x/week). I absolutely feel like they're prioritizing our health and safety, and because of my vaccine I'm not nearly as worried about the risks anyway. Meanwhile, my sons are now both in day camp and later this month will start in-person school. All of this makes a huge difference, and at this point I have no real objections to being back in the office.

And yet ...

I was sitting in the office yesterday and looked around. There were other people there that day, but at that moment I couldn't see any of them. Meanwhile I, I had a couple meetings and a one-on-one with my boss that were all done over Zoom. And I found myself thinking, "What exactly is the point of me being here?"

Unlike last year, I'm not mad about it. My commute isn't that awful, and it's not the worst thing in the world to get out of the house and break up my routine. It just feels weird to be coming in for no real reason.

I think my employer is facing a paradox: They want to bring us back in to encourage the kind of in-person interactions we've been missing for the past year. But, particularly with the new constraints imposed by Delta, we still can't really have those interactions.

Yeah, if we cant visit clients.....and lets say 50% of the people elect not to come in (and some of the 50% that DO come in dont even do so on the same days I do) AND we need to be wearing masks when we're in the same workspace....AND I'm giving up nearly 4 hours a day commuting (leading to less sleep and a general worse mood due to the inconvenience)....what's the point?

Been going back in for like 2 and a half months now. It certainly hasn't been awful by any stretch. But once the days start getting shorter (so I'm getting and off the train in the dark) and colder....I have a bad feeling my motivation is gonna go WAY Down.

I was going to start going in one day a week, but because of Delta we now have to wear masks.  Don't think I'll be going in voluntarily until that is lifted.  

We're still supposed to go to 50% in the office starting in September/October, but 3 of our offices are in Delta hotspots and are requiring masking indoors.  I assume those timeframes will be pushed back soon.  

Has anyone had to reach out to management to get them to tighten up their return-to-office COVID policies? Good/bad responses?

I know a lot of the places bringing people back in during the last few months made their decisions based on the situation at that time, but the situation has changed significantly. Delta is going wild in my area.

Company just reinstated a mask mandate (any time you're in an office but not at your desk) and announced that coming is in voluntary until future notice. 

Not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Still not especially scared of covid (I'm young, healthy and vaxd) but if everyone else bails, there isn't much point to me going in. So if I can avoid a nearly 2 hour door to door commute,  I kinda think I need to do it.
My firm did the same and my feelings/sentiment are the same as yours except that my communute is only 30 minutes round trip and I have screaming kids at home. 

They just pushed our return to office back to October and require everyone that enters the office be fully vaxxed. Now I regret telling my boss Im vaxxed lol
My former coworker managed to squeeze an extra month of WFH by lying about his status (he had actually been vaccinated all the way back in January because he cares for his elderly mother). I had thought about it but assumed they would ask us to show our vax card and didn't want to risk getting caught.

Has anyone had to reach out to management to get them to tighten up their return-to-office COVID policies? Good/bad responses?

I know a lot of the places bringing people back in during the last few months made their decisions based on the situation at that time, but the situation has changed significantly. Delta is going wild in my area.
I was thinking about doing it, but then they moved proactively to tighten things up, including sending the few unvaxxed folks back to WFH.

As long as you think they'll be receptive, it definitely can't hurt to push.

Our return to the office (50% roughly) was pushed back to October officially and they left room to move it again.  Was supposed to be September.  

So I had a really weird moment the other day. I've mentioned previously how my ex-employer forced us to come back into the office in May 2020, for no other reason than they wanted butts in seats. I felt extremely unsafe, and also really horrible because I wasn't able to help with our sons' remote schooling.

So now I'm a new job that just started bringing people back into the office on a hybrid basis (3x/week). I absolutely feel like they're prioritizing our health and safety, and because of my vaccine I'm not nearly as worried about the risks anyway. Meanwhile, my sons are now both in day camp and later this month will start in-person school. All of this makes a huge difference, and at this point I have no real objections to being back in the office.

And yet ...

I was sitting in the office yesterday and looked around. There were other people there that day, but at that moment I couldn't see any of them. Meanwhile I, I had a couple meetings and a one-on-one with my boss that were all done over Zoom. And I found myself thinking, "What exactly is the point of me being here?"

Unlike last year, I'm not mad about it. My commute isn't that awful, and it's not the worst thing in the world to get out of the house and break up my routine. It just feels weird to be coming in for no real reason.

I think my employer is facing a paradox: They want to bring us back in to encourage the kind of in-person interactions we've been missing for the past year. But, particularly with the new constraints imposed by Delta, we still can't really have those interactions.
Company wide email today. Our four week experiment in returning to the office is over effective tomorrow. We can still come in if we want, but no one is required to (and unvaxxed can’t at all). 

I may still go in a couple days a week just to break up the routine, but it will be nice to have the flexibility

I know everyone here is 47 and FBGs skew heavily toward office jobs, but this is an encouraging thread - it really sounds like companies are on top of things and prioritizing worker safety.  I've been really impressed with my company's response - they've consistently been very conservative, keeping CDC or greater restrictions in place.  They announced at our location that we're back to masks if we can't socially distance, regardless of vax status.  By CDC, we'd be fine since we're not in a high-infection area right now, but the company knows that the surrounding counties are, and many workers come from those locations, and they went for the conservative approach.

I always preach dedication instead of loyalty between company and employee, but they're earning some loyalty from me in how they've handled things.  When some areas of the company were light, they set up an internal temp job fair thing where people without work in their area helped out elsewhere in the company rather than getting laid off/furloughed.  They were quick to support home offices and send people home.  Well done, corporate overlords.

Oooof.  I kind of miss podcast/audiobook listening on my 25-minute commute, but spending 20 hours per week driving to and from work is ridiculous.

Thankfully, the company is sympathetic to my commute. Plus, I support multiple offices. So the plan (even pre COVID) was only for me to be in 3x a week. Now that's down to 2 (I'm sitting in a closer office 1 day a week and then home the other 2 days).

But year, that's still nearly 8 hours a week (nearly 17 days a year when you add it all up. Man, when you put it that way...) that I dont get back. Its mostly on the train (so netflix and an IPAD pass the time nicely)  Its certainly not ideal.

My company pushed out a simple 3 question survey that all 15,000 employees are required to take. 

1. Have you been vaccinated? If so upload a copy of your vax card so we can verify and mark you in the system and then delete the card

2. Have not been vax'd?

3. Care no to answer

If you answer yes to 2 or chose 3 then you are treated as not vax'd and are required to wear a mask while on the premises or working in close quarters outside. They also discussed limiting travel for those who are unvax'd or chose not to answer.
Found out what the driver for this was, our vaccination % is really low. Or at least reported vaccination % is really low. Much worse than what I suspected it to be (20% lower than I would have thought)  :rolleyes:

I know everyone here is 47 and FBGs skew heavily toward office jobs, but this is an encouraging thread - it really sounds like companies are on top of things and prioritizing worker safety.  I've been really impressed with my company's response - they've consistently been very conservative, keeping CDC or greater restrictions in place.  They announced at our location that we're back to masks if we can't socially distance, regardless of vax status.  By CDC, we'd be fine since we're not in a high-infection area right now, but the company knows that the surrounding counties are, and many workers come from those locations, and they went for the conservative approach.

I always preach dedication instead of loyalty between company and employee, but they're earning some loyalty from me in how they've handled things.  When some areas of the company were light, they set up an internal temp job fair thing where people without work in their area helped out elsewhere in the company rather than getting laid off/furloughed.  They were quick to support home offices and send people home.  Well done, corporate overlords.

It's reassuring that I'm not seeing much of the fringe opinions being shared by large corporations.  

I'm back to wearing a mask in common areas at my office.  At my desk, no mask.

We're in-office two days a week.

I'm vaccinated but Delta scares me with two kids at home that both have mild asthma type conditions and a wife who had Covid and still has symptoms (smell/taste/)

I like coming in to the office... I get a crap-ton done.  The earlier wake-up is no bueno, but it's not horrible.

I have a feeling they are going to scale us back.... back to 100%-WFH until Delta's curve's flattened.  I just hope they don't put the kibash on travel.  I'm supposed to go to Austin in late September and then Wyoming and Iowa the next few months too.

Wife's office is back to 100% masked regardless of vax status. We are in a high-vax, low-transmission area for whatever that's worth :shrug:

I'm back to wearing a mask in common areas at my office.  At my desk, no mask.

We're in-office two days a week.

I'm vaccinated but Delta scares me with two kids at home that both have mild asthma type conditions and a wife who had Covid and still has symptoms (smell/taste/)

I like coming in to the office... I get a crap-ton done.  The earlier wake-up is no bueno, but it's not horrible.

I have a feeling they are going to scale us back.... back to 100%-WFH until Delta's curve's flattened.  I just hope they don't put the kibash on travel.  I'm supposed to go to Austin in late September and then Wyoming and Iowa the next few months too.
We are requiring masks even at your desk.  So I'm opting out of that.  I was going to start going in once a week, and have only been in a few times this summer.  

I'm also worried about travel.  I have work trips planned at the end of September and in late October, with additional trips possible on either side of T'Giving.  I hope some of these still happen, I miss work travel. (Something I never would have imagined in early 2020.)

WFH is a foreign concept to me.  On one hand, I'm jealous of those who have this option mainly for the ability to potentially move wherever u want......on the other hand, getting up, making coffee, and heading out the door, is part of my daily routine that I kind of like.....and it's not like we have a ton of traffic

WFH is a foreign concept to me.  On one hand, I'm jealous of those who have this option mainly for the ability to potentially move wherever u want......on the other hand, getting up, making coffee, and heading out the door, is part of my daily routine that I kind of like.....and it's not like we have a ton of traffic
I quickly adapted my morning commute to walking the dog for 30mins.  Helps me shift into work mindset, gets the brain juices flowing, and I have avoided the Covid weight gain.  (The dog is also happy with this change.)

Large global company - got the email today that the planned early September full open (we were partially open to those who were required to be onsite) will be delayed until middle of October at the earliest.  I wasn't planning to go back anyway but glad they are doing the safe thing.

In the past few days, my company (suburban DC) has reinstated mask requirement in common areas regardless of vaccination status AND backed off a previous mid-September return to work announcement with no new target date.

WFH is a foreign concept to me.  On one hand, I'm jealous of those who have this option mainly for the ability to potentially move wherever u want......on the other hand, getting up, making coffee, and heading out the door, is part of my daily routine that I kind of like.....and it's not like we have a ton of traffic

I sort of hate it and love it.  Traffic gives me so much stress.  Even if office work comes back I'm pretty much committed to not going in until 10 or later now.

I had mentioned earlier that we were acquired by another company.  I had 7 WFH people and the new company mandated 9-5:30 M-F and there was talk of using a google calendar to document any off site work.  6 of the 7 quit and I made it 8.  
Good luck BnB!

Went to visit one our sites for a strategy session yesterday. It was good to see some people for the first time in a while and reminded me that these types of meetings are significantly improved by being in person.

It was also a reminder that getting up, getting ready, getting into the car, and driving somewhere just to be a butt in a seat is a colossal waste of time and I’ll never go back. Picking and choosing commutes when it makes sense, like yesterday, is the way to go.

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I had mentioned earlier that we were acquired by another company.  I had 7 WFH people and the new company mandated 9-5:30 M-F and there was talk of using a google calendar to document any off site work.  6 of the 7 quit and I made it 8.  
Good luck but wouldn’t you have made it 7? Is this one of those math puzzles I see on Facebook?

I sort of hate it and love it.  Traffic gives me so much stress.  Even if office work comes back I'm pretty much committed to not going in until 10 or later now.
Yea I live in a city of about 180k.....the traffic is just annoying enough to get on my nerves.....then I'm pulling into my driveway.  If I could work remotely, first thing I would do is move into the boonies.....I don't know how people can deal with real city traffic.  

Just announced today for our company, all offices in locations where transmission is substantial or high (which as of now is all US offices): Re-opening delayed. Only required personnel on-site and masks for all. Travel restrictions/quarantine/stricter testing protocols re-instated.

Today we got an invite for an all-hands-on-deck company-wide Zoom meeting on Tuesday morning. No word on what it's about, all the message said was "clear your schedule so you can attend this." 

I've been with the company for 8 years and this is the first time something like this has happened since I've been there. 

I think the most plausible topic is that they're going to implement a vaccine requirement, which would make sense since we're a medical publishing company and most of us have to travel to medical conferences. 

It's gotta be big, sensitive news of some sort if they are presenting it this way. We are in the process of reworking the office based on the WFH status that everyone has chosen for themselves, but if it were just about the logistics of that, I don't think they'd convene the entire company at once or be secretive about the topic of the meeting. 

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Yeah, sitting in a conference room with 5 people all wearing masks just feels so ridiculous 
Depends on what the meeting is for.  I attended a 2 day, in-person strat session with about 12 other people in attendance.  The energy was awesome and I got to meet 2 of my coworkers face to face that I hadn't met before.  They drove down from CT to MD to attend.  Doing this over Zoom for 15 hours would have been 25% as productive. 


The back half of this year will be interesting.  I think the prevailing thought here (FFA) last year was that we were going to see a huge shift permanently to WFH and companies shuttering offices.  I'm reading more and more articles that are saying that we'll trend back more towards how unemployment used to be rather than WFH being the new normal.  Given the demographics here I suspect we'll have more WFH folks.  It's going to be interesting to see how employers address the push back they get from their employees.
A couple of weeks back, my job was made "mobile".  This means I can work anywhere I want.

I'm never going back to the office.  

Been struggling for motivation to go into the office the past couple of weeks....so i haven't. Set the alarm for 6 this morning with the intention of going (I did this once last week too) but didn't get out of bed.

Our company went from 3x a week (which we'd been doing since late may) to "voluntary" with a mask requirement about a month ago. I stayed on my normal schedule for a couple of weeks but I just don't see the point right now. A few things are leading to this.

1) I have a 90 minute commute into New York. 

2) one of the days I'd prefer to go in is Monday (since I can't golf after work anyway due to the club being closed). Most other people in the office stay home on Mondays so there were like 4 people there 2 weeks ago. 

3) my desk is kinda slow right now (one of the few light times in my year) so I have some down time right now.

Combine all this with some other people (who have like a 20 minute commute at worst) just flat out bailing when we went "voluntary" and I just don't see the point. I work with a bunch of different teams and support multiple offices, so I can't really track who is going to be in on what day.....so any time I do decide to go in, I run the risk of being one of 5 people on a floor (when normally there would be like 35-40). 

The upside right now is that MAYBE I get to maybe have 1 or 2 short in person (as opposed to a quick call or zoom) with both of us wearing masks). Just doesn't seem worth it to tack on 3 hours to my work day.

Things should pick up after the holiday once we start early work on some stuff for October and November.  Guess I'll reevaluate then

As more people start to come back into our office, I'm noting that many of them still think they are working from home. 

Have seen several people in shorts, and last week saw a guy in a t-shirt with a big White Claw logo on it. 

We are a large Fortune 100 defense/technology company. That type of dress would have had people being called into their managers' office prior to March 2020. 

Get off my lawn?

Been struggling for motivation to go into the office the past couple of weeks....so i haven't. Set the alarm for 6 this morning with the intention of going (I did this once last week too) but didn't get out of bed.

Our company went from 3x a week (which we'd been doing since late may) to "voluntary" with a mask requirement about a month ago. I stayed on my normal schedule for a couple of weeks but I just don't see the point right now. A few things are leading to this.

1) I have a 90 minute commute into New York. 

2) one of the days I'd prefer to go in is Monday (since I can't golf after work anyway due to the club being closed). Most other people in the office stay home on Mondays so there were like 4 people there 2 weeks ago. 

3) my desk is kinda slow right now (one of the few light times in my year) so I have some down time right now.

Combine all this with some other people (who have like a 20 minute commute at worst) just flat out bailing when we went "voluntary" and I just don't see the point. I work with a bunch of different teams and support multiple offices, so I can't really track who is going to be in on what day.....so any time I do decide to go in, I run the risk of being one of 5 people on a floor (when normally there would be like 35-40). 

The upside right now is that MAYBE I get to maybe have 1 or 2 short in person (as opposed to a quick call or zoom) with both of us wearing masks). Just doesn't seem worth it to tack on 3 hours to my work day.

Things should pick up after the holiday once we start early work on some stuff for October and November.  Guess I'll reevaluate then
Im doing everything in my power to not have to drive 1 hour commute ever again......

Im doing everything in my power to not have to drive 1 hour commute ever again......
Driving I could NEVER do. The train (when it works. Seems like service has been really spotty since the big storm last Sunday.  Tons of delays and cancelations per Twitter) has been fine but it's still a bummer basically losing 2 hours of sleep and nearly 4 hours of door to door commuting time to do the exact same job.

Again....when it gets busy again,  I can certainly see some benefit of going into the office. They also recently hired 2 new people on my team (who will take some work off my plate during the busy times)...so once they're done with their basic on-boarding,  I'll be more than happy to go in and help get them up to speed. 

But right now (and this is rare, as I'm normally pretty damn busy) there's too much down time to justify the commute.  

Driving I could NEVER do. The train (when it works. Seems like service has been really spotty since the big storm last Sunday.  Tons of delays and cancelations per Twitter) has been fine but it's still a bummer basically losing 2 hours of sleep and nearly 4 hours of door to door commuting time to do the exact same job.

Again....when it gets busy again,  I can certainly see some benefit of going into the office. They also recently hired 2 new people on my team (who will take some work off my plate during the busy times)...so once they're done with their basic on-boarding,  I'll be more than happy to go in and help get them up to speed. 

But right now (and this is rare, as I'm normally pretty damn busy) there's too much down time to justify the commute.  
I used to have a 90 min commute into Manhattan. Several years ago I got a job in NJ that required a one hour drive. I much prefer the one hour drive to the 90 min mass transit commute. I enjoy being in my car 


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