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***Official Donald J. Trump Impeachment (Whistleblower) Thread*** (1 Viewer)

So this scandal has picked up steam faster than any before with Trump.  

With a new person (or may have been someone already involved but who is stepping forward officially as a whsitleblower) coming forward, next week is sure to be a busy news week.

i just look forward to the week where I don’t have to think about Trump or our president, and just can assume things are going fine.
The most irritating part are the tweets he sends out, how he just claims stuff that is patently untrue, and his base just eats it up instead of doing any research. Why don't they teach basic logic in schools anymore?

Unfortunately, you are on to something here. The "good" news is that President is a federal election but voting laws within states would help increase voter suppression tactics.

On the flip side, will Trump receive more or less his vote count from 2016? I don't think he gets near 62,984,828 votes... but that is just me. 62,984,828 x 35% = 22,044,689... he'll get at least 22 million guaranteed but if he gets anywhere near 60 million... well, our country is screwed big time.
I don’t even have faith in the integrity of the voting tally. 

So this scandal has picked up steam faster than any before with Trump.  

With a new person (or may have been someone already involved but who is stepping forward officially as a whsitleblower) coming forward, next week is sure to be a busy news week.

i just look forward to the week where I don’t have to think about Trump or our president, and just can assume things are going fine.
It needs to continue the momentum I think for a positive outcome. I think there was some malaise that sat in about 3/4 of the way through the Mueller report/investigation. If this isn't dealt with strenuously, we run the same risk of people running interference for these illegal acts, etc etc. Just my humble opinion. 

Yes.  It has.  Some here believe however that our 'idiot' president is such a mastermind that he was able to manipulate multiple levels of government and have the transcript changed or not released.  On other issues however he's completely inept. 
Thanks. Link to the full transcript? I've only seen the one pieced together from notes/memory with context missing.

34 people liked this posts?....🤣

If ever there was a case to be made for the mob-mentality that exists in this forum, this would be it.

The crime I am being burned at the stake for is accurately extracting from Justice Department resource manual a definition from a court case of what defraud means.  That was the relevant part which I choose to discuss.  The preceding part in the manual or the judge's further explanation was not what I wanted to hone in on for discussion.  I wanted to focus on a clear and concise legal definition of what defraud meant.  It was not cherry-picked or there was no evil motivation to somehow disrupt this forum with fake news.  I did not alter or change in anyway the definition.  I simply did not want to post the whole manual on the topic, which by the way is not 'law'.  

Suggesting to the site owner that he should consider banning the last remaining 5 or 6 posters who are outside this mob is Nazi-mentality.  Calling them garbage and accusing them of polluting the waters. We all supposedly 'know' who they are, but I somehow don't?  @rockaction? @Ramblin Wreck@supermike80@parasaurolophus?

Are those the pieces of trash you want Joe to get rid of?  Why not name them, because I really don't know?

 The entire post is just to insulting to respond to.  So much projecting on nonsense.  So many insultive statements.  So much distortion and so much hyperbole.    The complete intolerance to any dissenting viewpoint which exists in this forum is disturbing.  
I’m just saving this for the next time someone says AOC is disgusting and dishonoring victims of Nazi Germany for calling child detention facilities concentration camps. 

For those who are giving jon a hard time, keep in mind that he acknowledged the above in this very thread. He agrees with you that Trump is an embarrassment who should not be re-elected. And for the folks who are pro-Trump and are so sure that Trump will be re-elected, it has to be a concern that Trump has lost the support of conservatives like jon.
While I agree, I’m interested to see if people who “don’t support him” still vote for him. 

Yes.  It has.  Some here believe however that our 'idiot' president is such a mastermind that he was able to manipulate multiple levels of government and have the transcript changed or not released.  On other issues however he's completely inept. 
wait - I missed this.  The White House released the word-for-word transcript of the call?

I am not seeing that reported anywhere - other reporting that it exists.

While I agree, I’m interested to see if people who “don’t support him” still vote for him. 
Again with this crap?  Accusing people of lying about not voting for him.  The utter crappiness of posters towards people on the other side is tiring.  Is it really that hard to act decent towards people with different viewpoints?

The most irritating part are the tweets he sends out, how he just claims stuff that is patently untrue, and his base just eats it up instead of doing any research. Why don't they teach basic logic in schools anymore?
That's one of the most crazy parts. He lies about so many things that are easily proven as lies, yet people just except them as truths. 

What exactly were you implying by this?

Seems to me you are.  
Right now people who “don’t support Donald Trump” choose between him and “not him” in their own minds. 

In an election, they choose between him and an actual candidate. 

I didn’t support Hillary Clinton as a candidate, but I certainly voted for her over Trump.  There will be people who do the same rather than vote for Bernie or Biden or Warren or Buttigieg or Harris.  I’m interested to see where the dividing line is. 

Yes.  It has.  Some here believe however that our 'idiot' president is such a mastermind that he was able to manipulate multiple levels of government and have the transcript changed or not released.  On other issues however he's completely inept. 
No. It definitely has not. Trump and his henchmen moved the recording/transcript to the codeword-classified server, which was totally inappropriate for all the reasons that have already been articulated over the last couple of weeks.  By doing so, Trump is able to significantly restrict who gets to see it. 

So, if the call was “perfectly” normal, why do all this?  Why were these extraordinary steps taken to bury it?  The reason the whistle blew Is, surprise surprise, because all of this totally corrupt.  

Right now people who “don’t support Donald Trump” choose between him and “not him” in their own minds. 

In an election, they choose between him and an actual candidate. 

I didn’t support Hillary Clinton as a candidate, but I certainly voted for her over Trump.  There will be people who do the same rather than vote for Bernie or Biden or Warren or Buttigieg or Harris.  I’m interested to see where the dividing line is. 
The amount of money that will come in against Warren if she's nominated will be staggering. Probably even more than would come in against Bernie.  Citizens United was the end of democracy.  

This place died a long time ago, jon. It's pretty useless now. 
I was hoping to appeal to their sense of decency, but instead it is just more piling on.   It is really sad that too many people on both sides of the aisle are more invested at being partisan hacks than being decent human beings who can have a discussion.  

Yes.  It has.  Some here believe however that our 'idiot' president is such a mastermind that he was able to manipulate multiple levels of government and have the transcript changed or not released.  On other issues however he's completely inept. 
wait - I missed this.  The White House released the word-for-word transcript of the call?

I am not seeing that reported anywhere - other reporting that it exists.
Right, there's been reporting that a transcript exists.

It has not been released.

What's been released is a memorandum of telephone conversation that explicitly says it's not a verbatim transcript.

Right now people who “don’t support Donald Trump” choose between him and “not him” in their own minds. 

In an election, they choose between him and an actual candidate. 

I didn’t support Hillary Clinton as a candidate, but I certainly voted for her over Trump.  There will be people who do the same rather than vote for Bernie or Biden or Warren or Buttigieg or Harris.  I’m interested to see where the dividing line is. 
Trying to turn choices into such black and white divide is dishonest.  

I was hoping to appeal to their sense of decency, but instead it is just more piling on.   It is really sad that too many people on both sides of the aisle are more invested at being partisan hacks than being decent human beings who can have a discussion.  
Cura te ipsum. I posted a very reasonable and general statement about how I am waiting to see what happens in the election and you dove on it like a fat kid at a cake buffet as an example of what a terrible person I am and others are from a very partisan perspective.  

Motes and eyes and all that. 

Yes.  It has.  Some here believe however that our 'idiot' president is such a mastermind that he was able to manipulate multiple levels of government and have the transcript changed or not released.  On other issues however he's completely inept. 
Not inept, corrupt...it’s only the RepublicN enablers that claim he doesn’t know what he’s doing and joking.  But thanks for trying.

Trying to turn choices into such black and white divide is dishonest.  
I don’t know what you’re referring to.  I haven’t turned anything into a black and white divide, and quite clearly have been discussing that voting for someone doesn’t mean you support them in a vacuum.  I’m not discussing a black and white divide, I’m discussing what the line is between the majority of Republicans who “don’t support Trump” voting for him versus against him. 

I was hoping to appeal to their sense of decency, but instead it is just more piling on.   It is really sad that too many people on both sides of the aisle are more invested at being partisan hacks than being decent human beings who can have a discussion.  
Than I suggest stop being such a partisan hack.  I'm here for good discussion, which is desperately lacking from the "right" side.  Can you articulate a viewpoint without the martyr schtick?  I'm sure you can but it's been a looooong time since I've seen it.

Again with this crap?  Accusing people of lying about not voting for him.  The utter crappiness of posters towards people on the other side is tiring.  Is it really that hard to act decent towards people with different viewpoints?
You’re reaching dude. Henry is merely stating a fact. And it’s a fact on both sides. You are being way too sensitive. Shocking I know. You’re normally so reasonable. 

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The amount of money that will come in against Warren if she's nominated will be staggering. Probably even more than would come in against Bernie.  Citizens United was the end of democracy.  
I don't think that will matter - much.

I think this will be a referendum on Trump.  We have all lived under different administrations - Democrats and Republicans - and we all survived their policies.  But never, in any of our lifetimes, have we had someone so inept and lacking the basic understandings of the job as we have with Trump.

30% of the country want Trump - and everything he represents.  For that 30% - they want a school yard bully who supports white nationalism running the show.  There is no Democratic presidential candidate who will ever get their vote.

There is probably 40% of the country who would vote for a pet rock, before voting for Trump.  They will not be swayed by any propaganda against the Dem candidate.

Then you have the 30% or so who will look at the candidates and positions and make a choice.  1-year of anti-Dem candidate propaganda will not have much effect compared to the last 3 years of Trump Show in your face.  And, Trump is a walking billboard of why he is spectacularly unfit for office - the rants, the whining - its going to get much worse over the next year.  Most  people will simply want to wash their hands of the entire situation (other than the 30% base).

Good morning. Some thoughts: 

1. I’m not sure why the 2nd whistleblower is such a big deal. He claims to have 1st hand knowledge. But Trump has already confirmed everything the 1st whistleblower accused him of. I thought we were already past the “is it true?” stage. What am I missing here? 

2. @SaintsInDome2006 thanks for the Dreyfus article. There really are amazing parallels. 

3. How many threads are @jon_mx going to be allowed to ruin? Jon is a smart guy, I like him and I’ve always gotten along with him. But his m.o., in recent months, is always the same- he comes in attacking a single post as unfair to conservatives- sometimes with merit only jon goes way overboard in his attack- and when the inevitable pushback occurs, he lashes out at everyone and calls the forum a cesspool. The ensuing fight then takes over the thread. jon’s claim of victimhood becomes a self fulfilling prophesy as lots of people chime in to attack him, he attacks them, etc. Stuff gets reported and people get suspended. It’s old hat by now. This thread is too important to ruin that way. 

Good morning. Some thoughts: 

1. I’m not sure why the 2nd whistleblower is such a big deal. He claims to have 1st hand knowledge. But Trump has already confirmed everything the 1st whistleblower accused him of. I thought we were already past the “is it true?” stage. What am I missing here? 

2. @SaintsInDome2006 thanks for the Dreyfus article. There really are amazing parallels. 

3. How many threads are @jon_mx going to be allowed to ruin? Jon is a smart guy, I like him and I’ve always gotten along with him. But his m.o., in recent months, is always the same- he comes in attacking a single post as unfair to conservatives- sometimes with merit only jon goes way overboard in his attack- and when the inevitable pushback occurs, he lashes out at everyone and calls the forum a cesspool. The ensuing fight then takes over the thread. jon’s claim of victimhood becomes a self fulfilling prophesy as lots of people chime in to attack him, he attacks them, etc. Stuff gets reported and people get suspended. It’s old hat by now. This thread is too important to ruin that way. 
What you’re missing is that reporting acts like the internet now. WE MUST CONVINCE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE WRONG BEFORE WE MOVE ON TO STEP TWO.

And of course that’s not possible because some people cannot be convinced. So instead of creating a narrative of what happens we just get hit over the head with the same things over and over until no one cares anymore.  And then we elect Trump. 

Good morning. Some thoughts: 

1. I’m not sure why the 2nd whistleblower is such a big deal. He claims to have 1st hand knowledge. But Trump has already confirmed everything the 1st whistleblower accused him of. I thought we were already past the “is it true?” stage. What am I missing here? 

2. @SaintsInDome2006 thanks for the Dreyfus article. There really are amazing parallels. 

3. How many threads are @jon_mx going to be allowed to ruin? Jon is a smart guy, I like him and I’ve always gotten along with him. But his m.o., in recent months, is always the same- he comes in attacking a single post as unfair to conservatives- sometimes with merit only jon goes way overboard in his attack- and when the inevitable pushback occurs, he lashes out at everyone and calls the forum a cesspool. The ensuing fight then takes over the thread. jon’s claim of victimhood becomes a self fulfilling prophesy as lots of people chime in to attack him, he attacks them, etc. Stuff gets reported and people get suspended. It’s old hat by now. This thread is too important to ruin that way. 
To be fair, banafish post was tobias level terrible.  Way too long and erroneous.

Edit to add.  Guessing he is an alias for tobias.

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Good morning. Some thoughts: 

1. I’m not sure why the 2nd whistleblower is such a big deal. He claims to have 1st hand knowledge. But Trump has already confirmed everything the 1st whistleblower accused him of. I thought we were already past the “is it true?” stage. What am I missing here? 

2. @SaintsInDome2006 thanks for the Dreyfus article. There really are amazing parallels. 

3. How many threads are @jon_mx going to be allowed to ruin? Jon is a smart guy, I like him and I’ve always gotten along with him. But his m.o., in recent months, is always the same- he comes in attacking a single post as unfair to conservatives- sometimes with merit only jon goes way overboard in his attack- and when the inevitable pushback occurs, he lashes out at everyone and calls the forum a cesspool. The ensuing fight then takes over the thread. jon’s claim of victimhood becomes a self fulfilling prophesy as lots of people chime in to attack him, he attacks them, etc. Stuff gets reported and people get suspended. It’s old hat by now. This thread is too important to ruin that way. 
If the the 2nd whistleblower has documents the WH is stonewalling/won’t produce, they are important.  It also keeps pushing the threshold of everything being “perfect” higher and higher.  

Cura te ipsum. I posted a very reasonable and general statement about how I am waiting to see what happens in the election and you dove on it like a fat kid at a cake buffet as an example of what a terrible person I am and others are from a very partisan perspective.  

Motes and eyes and all that. 
I apologize if nothing negative was meant.  Just kind of tired of the "Johnson supporter" crap and being accused of being a Trump supporter. The quotes can imply I am lying and it was not entirely clear whether you were including me in that group or not.  

I wish I was Tobias level terrible.
His presence in these threads is sorely missed. The gulf between the quality of his postings and the output from the Trump supporters is staggering.

Instead we’re stuck in “Groundhog Day”, refuting the same nonsense over and over, debunking the same tired talking points, and giving artificial value to terrible opinions. Both sides and all that.

I apologize if nothing negative was meant.  Just kind of tired of the "Johnson supporter" crap and being accused of being a Trump supporter. The quotes can imply I am lying and it was not entirely clear whether you were including me in that group or not.  
Why are you so sensitive and defensive about this crap?

Perhaps the problem is that @jon_mx is a female. That would explain the over-emotional, confusing and irrational logic. If we think of jon as a woman, maybe we can better understand what she keeps saying. 
Or perhaps this forum should not condone referring to people as a disease, or garbage or who offer nothing, etc.  If you don't want threads ruined, stop degrading posters.  

I apologize if nothing negative was meant.  Just kind of tired of the "Johnson supporter" crap and being accused of being a Trump supporter. The quotes can imply I am lying and it was not entirely clear whether you were including me in that group or not.  
I’m not implying anyone is lying. I’m trying to distinguish between “people who don’t support him” and “people who will not vote for him no matter what.”

There are very few in category 2 for any candidate. More for Trump than most. But if the choice were Trump vs. Mao, most of us would vote for Trump.  We’ll see how everyone feels about his eventual opponent. 

There is no ambiguity in what the President, Barr, Pompeo, and Pence have done, and it’s corrosiveness. Fact for years you attacked Obama for a shadow of this, and fail to condemn it now, is the root issue.
I did not spend years attacking Obama.  He was a decent president with whom I had differences on issues.  I did not participate in threads which bashed him.  

Right, there's been reporting that a transcript exists.

It has not been released.

What's been released is a memorandum of telephone conversation that explicitly says it's not a verbatim transcript.
you're directly contradicting boots, who says that a transcript has been released.  who am I to believe?  maurile or boots......boots or maurile.......who knows?

I don't think that will matter - much.

I think this will be a referendum on Trump. 
That's what everyone thinks right now, because there's no opponent yet.  And the Republicans are busily trying to vilify every candidate the Democrats have, which is exactly why trump was digging up Biden dirt in the first place. 

But by election time, this will be another "lesser of two evils" election.  If it's Warren, they'll hammer the pocahontas thing, but they'll be telling every story they can about how she'll destroy the economy and the taxes and businesses leaving in droves and crying socialism and liberal baby killing, gun stealing, business hating anti americanism.

They've laid the groundwork with their base but when the people who stand to lose money in a wealth tax and the businesses that stand to lose money to regulation start attacking her it will be "look i don't like trump as a person but look at the economy, do you want to see what happens when Warren holds the purse strings", totally ignoring things like the debt we've gone into to fund tax cuts under trump. 

Dreyfus Affair parallels are eerie. 

When was his innocence established, and how irrefutable was the evidence?

Am I to gather that gaslighting occurred for at least a generation, and believing in his guilt was a badge of membership to an ideology that didn’t precisely need the truth to sustain it?
1. About a year into his imprisonment. But it took another decade for the public to realize it. 

2. Yes, but remember there was no social media, no television, and the newspapers of the time in France, led by Le Figaro, were strongly conservative (and anti-Semitic as well.) So there was not much chance the public would get the truth. It took a famous letter by a well known novelist to turn things around. 

Unfortunately, you are on to something here. The "good" news is that President is a federal election but voting laws within states would help increase voter suppression tactics.

On the flip side, will Trump receive more or less his vote count from 2016? I don't think he gets near 62,984,828 votes... but that is just me. 62,984,828 x 35% = 22,044,689... he'll get at least 22 million guaranteed but if he gets anywhere near 60 million... well, our country is screwed big time.
All signs point to a record turnout next year and I think Donald could actually exceed 65 million votes. But that same big turnout will drive 75 million to his opponent and the EC won't save him from a deficit that large.


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