We are officially in WWE territory now.
Say what now? Not sure what you are referencing but would like to know
I just think it's getting more clear every week that the NFL games are greatly influenced.
I hate to acknowledge this but one thing I know about you is you don't hit the "sensational" button like MoP often will do to put a spotlight on something that troubles me
That's why when folks like you start chiming in on this, someone who as a Chiefs fan has thoroughly enjoyed the last 6-7 years of this Dynasty Run but you freely point this out
Incredible and definitely stops me in my tracks
I try to turn a blind eye, try tp put the blame on the team whining about the call against them, there's an entire 60 minutes and we always have to focus on the last 4-5 of the 4th Q
I appreciate you speaking out on this
And I do not in any way think it's a Chiefs/Mahomes thing, I still do not get angry watching the end of Chiefs vs Anybody, sorry but I think the Chiefs are really good and do it the right way
Do the Chiefs seems to get some good luck...Good luck is where hard work and opportunity meet, I feel the Chiefs are well coached, well prepared and loaded with been there done that
The Chiefs are one of the greatest dynasties I have ever seen in my lifetime which includes the 80s Niners, 90s Cowboys, 2000s Patriots, all these teams have their strengths
Hard to say one is superior to the other, I would rather that just tip my hat and acknowledge how great they are
I always argue Montana and Brady had amazing Head Coaches and surrounding talent but of course they were good
Mahomes has been winning with very little around him the last 2 seasons, reminds me of when Brady had iffy WRs or more blue collar types
All good