Ok, I'll retract my statement...eff 'em.
Happy Friday!
I don't think she was going there. I think it was your calling attention to their undisputed place in American history when people have wildly differing views of what their place in American history should be or how they should be construed and taught.
RIP to Henry Kissinger and Sandra Day O'Connor. O'Connor doesn't get a ton of credit for her jurisprudence, but it seemed to me that she enabled a sort of comity and compromise in a lot of the S. Ct.'s dealings. She also wrote the lead dissent in Kelo v. New London—a scathing and righteous one. Also the subject of John Riggins's unwittingly sexist uttering of "Lighten up, Sandy baby," she was a cultural icon because of her status as first S. Ct. female Justice and all that entailed.
RIP to each political figure.