My wife and I made up a game where you look up an actor on the IMDB app, and attempt to name the four “known for” movies that appear. What’s so amazing about Hackman’s four (The French Connection, The Royal Tenenbaums, Unforgiven, and The Conversation) isn’t just that he nailed each one, but also that they span 30 years -including two Oscar winners more than 20 years apart.
how in the name of the big kahuna is hoosiers not on that list take that to the bank brohans
That’s part of the fun of the game. Take for instance Tom Hanks. My wife says his name to me and the first two things that pop instantly into my head would be Saving Private Ryan (which I personally feel is one of the greatest things on film ever), and Big (childhood favorite movie of mine).
Big is in his “top 4”, SPR isn’t. After a few seconds I’d say, “oh, Forrest Gump”. She’d reply “that’s his #3 - you still need 1 and 4.” After a few guesses (including the voice of Woody in Toy Story, or any of the Dan Brown books turned movie) I’d guess Castaway - his #1.
It take me a moment to get his #4 - Philadelphia. Even though he won an Oscar for it.
So then when you say Philadelphia, oh yeah - the one with Denzel, what’s his top 4? Kudos to you if you can get all those without looking in under 2 minutes. It’s a game we often play with friends and it can go for hours.