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Unofficial Canadian Thread - Previously Trucker Convoy thread (1 Viewer)

What he’s saying isn’t outlandish at all. During the Floyd riots there were lots of accusations of agent provocateurs. You would have to be naïve to think the government wouldn’t want bad optics for protesters 

There were those who were not government hired agent provocateurs. Here is one.


Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police

A masked, umbrella-wielding man accused of helping incite riots and looting in the aftermath of George Floyd's police-involved death has been identified as a member of a white supremacist group that aimed to stir racial tensions amid largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests, according to police.

The 32-year-old, dubbed "Umbrella Man," was captured in a viral video back in May wearing a black hooded outfit and a black gas mask as he smashed store windows with a sledgehammer and encouraged people to steal, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week.


Investigators said the suspect is associated with the Aryan Cowboys, which the warrant describes as a "known prison gang out of Minnesota and Kentucky." The Anti-Defamation League lists the Aryan Cowboys as a white supremacist prison and street gang, although the group's Facebook page claims it doesn't care "about a person's color."


There were those who were not government hired agent provocateurs. Here is one.


Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police

A masked, umbrella-wielding man accused of helping incite riots and looting in the aftermath of George Floyd's police-involved death has been identified as a member of a white supremacist group that aimed to stir racial tensions amid largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests, according to police.

The 32-year-old, dubbed "Umbrella Man," was captured in a viral video back in May wearing a black hooded outfit and a black gas mask as he smashed store windows with a sledgehammer and encouraged people to steal, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week.


Investigators said the suspect is associated with the Aryan Cowboys, which the warrant describes as a "known prison gang out of Minnesota and Kentucky." The Anti-Defamation League lists the Aryan Cowboys as a white supremacist prison and street gang, although the group's Facebook page claims it doesn't care "about a person's color."

Interesting that no one’s was ever charged . Really interesting. 

What he’s saying isn’t outlandish at all. During the Floyd riots there were lots of accusations of agent provocateurs. You would have to be naïve to think the government wouldn’t want bad optics for protesters 
I really think the risk is way more than the reward for a government to engage in this.  There would have to be at least a handful of people that would be in on this.  If anyone came forward with proof, it would leave a horrible stain.  Not worth it.

I really think the risk is way more than the reward for a government to engage in this.  There would have to be at least a handful of people that would be in on this.  If anyone came forward with proof, it would leave a horrible stain.  Not worth it.
How so? Paint political opponents as extreme radicals to justify seizing more power and the only risk you take is independent media calling you out on it. They control the state media who just happily repeats the story and as you've demonstrated, regular folks don't want to believe their government is capable of horrible things despite all the times they've done it before. 

Insein said:
How so? Paint political opponents as extreme radicals to justify seizing more power and the only risk you take is independent media calling you out on it. They control the state media who just happily repeats the story and as you've demonstrated, regular folks don't want to believe their government is capable of horrible things despite all the times they've done it before. 
I prefer proof before I start throwing out conspiracy theories.  I honestly believe there was fringe elements (not the majority) in the trucker convoy, and I don't think the government needs to plant anyone in there.

Just as BLM protests attracted some looters and people that were taking advantage of the situation, the convoy protest also attracted some fringe groups that were probably not welcome.

I think it's one thing to argue that the media overhyped these things that were under .1% of the protest, but it is completely another thing to say they were planted in there.

Insein said:
How so? Paint political opponents as extreme radicals to justify seizing more power and the only risk you take is independent media calling you out on it. They control the state media who just happily repeats the story and as you've demonstrated, regular folks don't want to believe their government is capable of horrible things despite all the times they've done it before. 
I think you give Trudeau way too much credit. He's not nearly that devious or intelligent.

I prefer proof before I start throwing out conspiracy theories.  I honestly believe there was fringe elements (not the majority) in the trucker convoy, and I don't think the government needs to plant anyone in there.

Just as BLM protests attracted some looters and people that were taking advantage of the situation, the convoy protest also attracted some fringe groups that were probably not welcome.

I think it's one thing to argue that the media overhyped these things that were under .1% of the protest, but it is completely another thing to say they were planted in there.
Not that you'll consider this significant but here's some coincidental evidence. Also helps that the flags were never near the protestors themselves. Only seen in this one photo. 


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Not that you'll consider this significant but here's some coincidental evidence. Also helps that the flags were never near the protestors themselves. Only seen in this one photo. 

The nazi flag was there way before they brought in RCMP from outside (like 2 weeks). That is conspiracy theory level evidence there.

And that hotel is like right there so makes sense. Not like they were staying at the Holiday Inn on the edge of the city.

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ekbeats said:
Funny thing with freedom - some people seem willing to fight for it no matter how trivial the issue.  It reminds me of the 80’s when seat belt laws were enacted.  Or when motorcycle helmets were mandated.  And then you have people on the opposite extreme - people who will gladly do whatever the Government asks them to do, even if it makes no sense.
Are you saying that seat belts & helmets make no sense?

And the use of the emergencies act is over. So I guess Canada is no longer a fascist dictatorship under martial law.
Not willingly. He saw the writing on the wall in the Senate debate and saved face (and a possible confidence vote triggering an election) by ending the emergency before they voted. 

Thank goodness the checks and balances worked. Next time I hope they can be held off again. 

To be clear here, Trudeau is a dictator and Putin is a sophisticated genius who is not so bad?

What if Trudeau skated up to your truck in his Daisy Dukes and tapped on your window and asked, "what's this all aboooot?"

Not willingly. He saw the writing on the wall in the Senate debate and saved face (and a possible confidence vote triggering an election) by ending the emergency before they voted. 

Thank goodness the checks and balances worked. Next time I hope they can be held off again. 
100% agree. He was going to lose the Senate vote. It is too bad because Canadians needed to see him lose that vote as a point of proof that this was not needed and was a power grab. 

Another way to look at this is the Canadians were able to get the truckers off the bridges, out of the neighborhoods, etc and they didn't need the powers any more.

Are you saying that seat belts & helmets make no sense?
Nope.  I’m saying it makes no sense for the Government to mandate their usage.  Mandating masks outside on a mountain in the winter makes no sense.

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Not willingly. He saw the writing on the wall in the Senate debate and saved face (and a possible confidence vote triggering an election) by ending the emergency before they voted. 

Thank goodness the checks and balances worked. Next time I hope they can be held off again. 
I think once he paid off the team of hackers he had working to uncover all the donators, as well as paying all the fake nationalists that he had parade around in nazi garb, he realized he didn't need the emergency act anymore.

He probably held out on ending it earlier as he was hoping to get a shout-out from Trump for a brilliant move in invoking the act.

Insein said:
Courts and governing bodies are only as good as the people running them. They've voted to keep them once so far without any justification.  Next is the Senate. Then in 30 days we'll see if they vote to keep them again. A court with judges appointed by the same people I would surmise will come to the same conclusion that it is still "lawful" to keep the power. 

Not willingly. He saw the writing on the wall in the Senate debate and saved face (and a possible confidence vote triggering an election) by ending the emergency before they voted. 

Thank goodness the checks and balances worked. Next time I hope they can be held off again. 
So you're saying that the Senate, who was mostly appointed by Trudeau, was going to vote against him. That seems contradictory to your previous statement.

I doubt the Senate would have voted against him. They often push back in questioning, but it would be quite extraordinary for them to vote against the government in a vote with this importance.

They have been much more independent minded since Trudeau kicked all the liberal senators out of the liberal caucus and appointed "independent" senators. There was some question that they would vote against the bill to legalize cannabis unless their amendments were accepted but ended up voting for it without all their amendments.

That being said, this is definitely something where it would be good to actually show "sober second thought".

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So you're saying that the Senate, who was mostly appointed by Trudeau, was going to vote against him. That seems contradictory to your previous statement.

I doubt the Senate would have voted against him. They often push back in questioning, but it would be quite extraordinary for them to vote against the government.

They have been much more independent minded since Trudeau kicked all the liberal senators out of the liberal caucus and appointed "independent" senators. There was some question that they would vote against the bill to legalize cannabis unless their amendments were accepted but ended up voting for it without all their amendments.

That being said, this is definitely something where it would be good to actually show "sober second thought".
I don't claim to know the ins and outs of how every Canadian politician was elected. From what is being said though, the Senate was going to lean towards a no or at the very least it was too close to call. Trudeau would not want to have the look of being overruled. Whether he decided or was advised to end the emergency, this was definitely a political move. 

They found out what they needed to. They can use the emergency act with a lot of the Canadian population going along with it. 

I don't claim to know the ins and outs of how every Canadian politician was elected. From what is being said though, the Senate was going to lean towards a no or at the very least it was too close to call. Trudeau would not want to have the look of being overruled. Whether he decided or was advised to end the emergency, this was definitely a political move. 

They found out what they needed to. They can use the emergency act with a lot of the Canadian population going along with it. 
I definitely think the Senate influenced his decision to rescind. But I doubt they would have voted against him. It was hard to continue to justify since there are no longer any occupations or blockades. Quick math says that 21 senators appointed by Liberal PMs would have had to vote against him.

Eta: Pundits are gonna speculate, but they are wrong at least half the time. Me. I'm only wrong 50% of the time.

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Most likely made up. 
I watched this PM’s Twitter feed for a bit and he tried to act like he wouldn’t get into it anymore because he felt it wasn’t fair to “Brienne” because people on the internet are bad :lol:

Next tweets were all rantish posts about Canadian government. 

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squistion said:
There were those who were not government hired agent provocateurs. Here is one.


Man who helped ignite George Floyd riots identified as white supremacist: Police

A masked, umbrella-wielding man accused of helping incite riots and looting in the aftermath of George Floyd's police-involved death has been identified as a member of a white supremacist group that aimed to stir racial tensions amid largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests, according to police.

The 32-year-old, dubbed "Umbrella Man," was captured in a viral video back in May wearing a black hooded outfit and a black gas mask as he smashed store windows with a sledgehammer and encouraged people to steal, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week.


Investigators said the suspect is associated with the Aryan Cowboys, which the warrant describes as a "known prison gang out of Minnesota and Kentucky." The Anti-Defamation League lists the Aryan Cowboys as a white supremacist prison and street gang, although the group's Facebook page claims it doesn't care "about a person's color."

Umbrella man as an agent provocateur was a hoax. That all came from one liberal police officer that fell for an anonymous tip. Or knew it was false but wanted to further it. 

No arrest. No charges, Nothing further on that story. The press literally did zero due diligence and just printed rumor because they liked the story. Not surprised that you fell for it.  

Umbrella man as an agent provocateur was a hoax. That all came from one liberal police officer that fell for an anonymous tip. Or knew it was false but wanted to further it. 

No arrest. No charges, Nothing further on that story. The press literally did zero due diligence and just printed rumor because they liked the story. Not surprised that you fell for it.  
The actions of the press have regressed for 25 years now.  Beat everyone to a story without researching it, do a retraction if need be later.

Trudeau got a get out of jail free card with Ukraine and wisely took it. No one will remember this by next week. 

I meant as far as the news cycle goes and regular people. It may come up again like "Hey remember that time Canada almost became a dictatorship."
I think he may have been referring to the possibility of Trump trying to enact and use these powers.  But I could be wrong.

The actions of the press have regressed for 25 years now.  Beat everyone to a story without researching it, do a retraction if need be later.
His spin isn't exactly true.   The stories that were published as to "umbrella man's" identity were based on an affidavit supporting a search warrant issued by a judge.   The police may have gotten the wrong guy or come up empty, but as far as a hoax or liberal conspiracy?   Nonsense.  The news reports were that the police were executing a search warrant, and a description of the person in the warrant.  That was all accurate.   

An example of the local reporting, which was picked up nationally:

The Star Tribune could not independently verify the police account, which has so far only surfaced in the search warrant, and isn't naming the man because so far he has not been charged with a crime. The man, who has a criminal history that includes convictions of domestic violence and assault, did not respond to messages seeking comment. Spokespersons for the Minneapolis Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is also involved in the investigation, declined to comment.
This sure seems like an accurate statement by the press, with a description of their attempts to verify the police account and a disclaimer that it wasn't.

His spin isn't exactly true.   The stories that were published as to "umbrella man's" identity were based on an affidavit supporting a search warrant issued by a judge.   The police may have gotten the wrong guy or come up empty, but as far as a hoax or liberal conspiracy?   Nonsense.  The news reports were that the police were executing a search warrant, and a description of the person in the warrant.  That was all accurate.   

An example of the local reporting, which was picked up nationally:

This sure seems like an accurate statement by the press, with a description of their attempts to verify the police account and a disclaimer that it wasn't.
This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city,” Erika Christensen wrote in the search warrant. 

This statement was false. By the time umbrella man breaks the windows the police are already firing tear gas and target is already half empty. 

The press would have easily known that. The warrant was based off of a "tipster" and was one of many tips that came in about this guy. 

They were all obviously false.

This one was particularly bad because the tipster admitted she had no direct knowledge of the subject, instead was just relaying what an unnamed person told her. Police never even spoke to the person making the claim.

There was a concerted liberal effort to blame outside agents for the riots. The governor made the false claim that 80% of the rioters were from out of state even though he knew that 85% of the arrests at the time were residents. 

The press loves to use the phrase "according to police." Even though 9 times out of ten that statement actually means according to what witnesses/victims told the police. 

Parliament's $100B small business relief program mostly went to large corporations: Report

"The $100 billion pandemic relief program went awry, according to Statistics Canada data disclosed earlier this week. Large corporations were three times as likely as small business to receive the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, Blacklocks reported.

“Smallest businesses have the lowest usage rates,” said a Statistics Canada report. “Less capital intensive small businesses may have lower fixed costs than more capital intensive larger businesses.”

Thus it may be better for the smallest businesses to close rather than to continue operating,” said the report on The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Program And Business Survival And Growth During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Canada."

I cannot see that the effort they put forth has amounted to much. I think the world is already pulling back from the needless shutdowns and masking and such.

I doubt the Canadian government will care about the negative impacts they have had on the average person.

I get why they did this. I am on the fence about it. But at least they did not burn and loot.

I cannot see that the effort they put forth has amounted to much. I think the world is already pulling back from the needless shutdowns and masking and such.

I doubt the Canadian government will care about the negative impacts they have had on the average person.

I get why they did this. I am on the fence about it. But at least they did not burn and loot.
They just overstayed I think, and this caused the majority of Canadians to have a negative view.  You are correct that the world was already pulling back from mandates.

Convoy supporters' bank accounts still frozen

"An estimate by the Department of Finance said that as many as 210 accounts containing $7.8 million were affected by the freeze.

"If accounts are still frozen it would be outside the purview of the Emergencies Act," said Senator Wells. "Therefore we would expect some immediate action."

Tamara Lich Finally released on bail

"Tamara Lich, one of the organizers behind the Freedom Convoy, has won an appeal and will now be granted bail.

Initially taken into custody by police in Ottawa on the evening of Feb. 17, Lich has remained behind bars since. At a previous bail hearing on Feb. 22, Lich had her request for bail denied by Justice Julie Bourgeois, a former Liberal Party candidate who Lich accused of holding a political bias in the case.

Late week, Lich was back in front of a judge requesting a bail review, a hearing that was documented by Ottawa-based lawyer David Anber.

Today, a judge reversed the original decision and granted Lich bail."

"Lich will be required to leave Ottawa within 24 hours, to be out of Ontario within 72 hours, alongside orders to stay off of social media, not protest against COVID policies and to have no contact with any of the co-accused."

This is why having the first amendment is so important. 

Insein said:
Tamara Lich Finally released on bail

"Tamara Lich, one of the organizers behind the Freedom Convoy, has won an appeal and will now be granted bail.

Initially taken into custody by police in Ottawa on the evening of Feb. 17, Lich has remained behind bars since. At a previous bail hearing on Feb. 22, Lich had her request for bail denied by Justice Julie Bourgeois, a former Liberal Party candidate who Lich accused of holding a political bias in the case.

Late week, Lich was back in front of a judge requesting a bail review, a hearing that was documented by Ottawa-based lawyer David Anber.

Today, a judge reversed the original decision and granted Lich bail."

"Lich will be required to leave Ottawa within 24 hours, to be out of Ontario within 72 hours, alongside orders to stay off of social media, not protest against COVID policies and to have no contact with any of the co-accused."

This is why having the first amendment is so important. 
The system works as it should. She had a right to appeal, the appeal was granted and her bail denial was reversed. I hope the system in the USA works similarly.


This was White America. Despite the “everyone is welcome” framing, it was 99% White people. The talk was about uniting Americans across class lines. The rally was “led by our blue-collar boys” (heard often) but was "bringing blue-collar and white-collar America together.”

Part of the recruiting was electoral. Republicans were portrayed as freedom's hope, Democrats its enemy. A guy riding an electric scooter with a bullhorn declared “All Democrats are pedophiles, no exceptions.” Much talk about the importance of voting at all levels of government.

Still, there were violent undercurrents. Lots of talk of resorting to other (unspecified) means if non-violent protest didn’t work. Random shouts of “Fetch the Rope” and "hang him" greeted the reading of the names of US Senators who voted to uphold pandemic restrictions.

The most worrisome moment was when a crowd surrounded a Black reporter for DC's ABC affiliate. They asked why a Black reporter was sent. They demanded he say, "Truckers are heroes!" on air. When he refused, a man repeatedly shouted "LEAVE!" in his face. He left, visibly shaken.

Nevertheless, this was clearly a new effort to mainstream far-right beliefs by muting the white nationalism and violence of the Capitol Insurrection and prior protests. This was rebranding the right in broad, vague ways to recruit followers and mask internal differences.


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