Man, so many topics in this thread. A good one to be sure.
As for my kids, from day one it's been about playing in the dirt. They would much rather go camping than watch video games. They love to fish, hike, and play football in the backyard.
They get to play one sport at a time, and we take a break as a family in the winter. They don't want to play much sports in the summer because they wouldn't get to fish and hike as much. As parents, this is how we have lived, and our choices have as much to do with financial as anything else.
We can afford to camp and fish - we can't afford - yet, to go on long vacations. But it's also part of our plan - in a year or two when our youngest daughter is old enough we will start taking a second vacation each year to either a National Park or a historic part of America (Washington DC, for example).
We do let them play video games, but only for a certain part of each day. They don't watch much movies, so Disney probably is out in the future.
Heck, our goal is to be with our kids. Love them, give them as many opportunities as we can afford. Just like all the other parents out there. How they do it is their business, and I don't begrudge them one bit.
As for my kids, from day one it's been about playing in the dirt. They would much rather go camping than watch video games. They love to fish, hike, and play football in the backyard.
They get to play one sport at a time, and we take a break as a family in the winter. They don't want to play much sports in the summer because they wouldn't get to fish and hike as much. As parents, this is how we have lived, and our choices have as much to do with financial as anything else.
We can afford to camp and fish - we can't afford - yet, to go on long vacations. But it's also part of our plan - in a year or two when our youngest daughter is old enough we will start taking a second vacation each year to either a National Park or a historic part of America (Washington DC, for example).
We do let them play video games, but only for a certain part of each day. They don't watch much movies, so Disney probably is out in the future.
Heck, our goal is to be with our kids. Love them, give them as many opportunities as we can afford. Just like all the other parents out there. How they do it is their business, and I don't begrudge them one bit.